PS to Recurring Dreams and the Point of Choice

Do you ever have a conversation and then think about it later, realizing that there were other things you wish you’d said? As I was meditating on what I wrote yesterday I realized that I could have filled it in a bit more…to make it more substantial.

Here are my after-thoughts:

Realizing Choice #1 (that we do HAVE a choice as to whether we’ll respond from our freaked out human self standpoint or from the position of who we are in Christ…dependent upon Him in utter childlike abandon) is much easier if we actually practice LIVING in this mode. Then when we’re in a jam, it will come by way of habit. Retraining our brains is such a crucial part of the progressive sanctification of our souls (minds, wills and emotions.) Our souls will completely run the show unless we steer them where we want them to go, in alliance with Him. And we really can DO this by the power of God’s Holy Spirit who will lead us into all Truth, as we seek Him and His wisdom through our personal time with Him and in His Word.

Regarding dark forces that try to derail us, I know that some folks don’t like to think about this. But in this case, our ignorance of them is NOT bliss…for anyone but those very same forces that would try to keep us from being the free children of Light that God created us to be. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond what we could ever even begin to hope or imagine!(Ephesians 3:20,21) Let’s go for ALL of it with eyes wide open and senses sharp!

How do we respond to this exceedingly abundant grace of God? The more we consciously abide in His presence, the greater the power we allow Him to direct our lives and the freer and more effective our lives become!

Acknowledging Him is no big deal. (The Bible says that even the demons acknowledge Him.) But ACTING on our knowledge of Him is what makes the big difference! (James 2:26) I then got to thinking that faith without action is sort of like inviting folks to dinner: You cook this lovely dinner, they arrive and smell the wonderful kitchen aromas, but then you don’t GIVE them the food! Whassup wi dat????? Faith is in us – all prepared in the kitchen of our spirits- but we must serve it up with our hands into the evidence of what we believe in order for it to make any difference to anyone, including ourselves.

These are just my after-thoughts.



One thought on “PS to Recurring Dreams and the Point of Choice

  1. Carol Settino

    hi clover, so nice to hear from you would love to see you and the family that I don’t know yet… email is all screwed up but nothing I cant fix if I just get around to doing it! you now what I mean don’t you? you look the same and so does everyone else, I miss you all and its all my daughter Christina can talk about is her visit to see you before she got married……now I want to know what she is talking about…….it would be a big deal for me to come and visit you, no. one is the money of course I wish it weren’t true….but come visit you I would love….just want to express my feelings this time around and tell you how I feel…..I miss john oodles and oodles….and you too just the same….a lot you don’t know I guess but that’s the way it is….it was not a fun time for me or the kids….anyway im not going to get into all of that now….just so happy you wrote and I appreciate that….well all I have to t=say is that I love you all and miss you all so much im gonna submit this now but realize I cannot get into my email there is something wrong with it and have to fix it when I learn how to, lol…..the next time I write I will have it figured out…..I love you all and will talk to each of you someday….bye just for now, I love you all


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