Doing God’s will in making decisions

 from Thursday, July 9, 2015

I say: What is Your will, Lord, so I can do it?

You say: It is not for you to accomplish some great thing, some work. It is for you (My people) to experience Me and all of Who I Am…Really saturate yourself with Who I Am. Experience MY Love, My wisdom, My mercy, My power, My grace, My kindness, My Life.

That is what I will for you. You hear that little rooster up there – barely trying out his new man voice…giving it a crow here and there, managing to croak out a little something? That’s how My people are…just barely eking out, managing to squeeze out a little of My Life into their lives. And it shouldn’t be that way. It doesn’t have to be that way. That’s not the plan. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. My presence has not been allowed to fill the heart. It gets pushed out by the cares of the world.

July 16, 2015

I pray: Lord, please help us all to hear Your heart and Your discernment. I love You, Lord. You are All in All, no matter what! Help us to see and respond correctly, (pleasingly to You,) to the matters that You know are important and to not react to the ones that aren’t. Only You know. And I love You and I love and appreciate that You want us to know and that You are so accessible to us! You give Yourself completely to us. Thank You Lord, for this giving that You do. I love You and I long to be closer to you in my soul and in my physical self. I know we are one in Spirit because You have made my spirit alive with Your very Life. I would have no living Spirit within me, without You. Lord, bring a depth to the music You give us and the writing we do, and the art we do, as well as the art of living, in general. A joyous depth that shines out to others with Your sweet and powerful Life – Your Love.

I know this is Your mission for us, Your children. Lord, bar the way that is not Your way. Light the paths of thinking that agree with you. I love You. I am not often really understood, Lord, but I don’t have to be. You will make the important things understood by Your Spirit. Help me to understand! Help me to love.

The image in that story of the Confederate soldier who crossed the line to give water to the crying, wounded Union soldiers, and the cease-fire that resulted for long enough to let him carry out his loving task….the motherly care he provided out of the depths of his compassion, inspires me to be more caring, more truly loving. As Your love supercedes and becomes mine, open the ways for me to care for others. I realize that in praying this I am accepting Your challenge. I realize that in new ways I release control to You. But…I see no way around it if I am to continue to grow in You. I love You, and I want to grow in You, because I am greedy for You.

I think:  “DO you love Me? Then feed My sheep.” Yes, I do,so show me Your ways to feed Your sheep, O Gentle Shepherd of mine. Show me Your feeding…ways, I guess, for absence of of a better word. I know it happens via being sensitive to Your leading by Your Spirit. Relieve me of “learned missionary consciousness” and help me to give freely, knowing that You are the provider of all.

I know You are doing this work in us. You give freely as we give freely. As we give out, You replenish. Thank You for Your supply.

(Regarding a purchase issue:)

I do not know, but You do know. Help us to be wise with Your tree of Life wisdom – not the wisdom from the other tree.

You say: Once again, it’s very rarely as you think it is. Sometimes you see a bit of it, but you never can quite see all, and this is for a reason: Chiefly, My mercy keeps it from you, lest you be overwhelmed.
I say: Sounds protective.

You say: Well, yes and no. It’s also a practical thing as it keeps you listening for more, searching Me for more. Keeps you hungry. So it is a real help.

I say: Okay, I get that, but in something as simple as a purchase? I’m sure you can just give us a yes or a no.

You say: Sure I can.

I say: So?

You say: Listen, listen. Take more time to really listen to Me and disregard, in matters like this, your practical thinking. If you want to do practical thinking then decide on that basis. If you want what I know, then you need to listen.

When you use your practical mind, you think, “Okay, this and this and this – these are the good/positive points in this matter. And that and that and that – They are the bad/negative ones. You map it out according to the wrong tree (knowledge of good and evil.)

When you use My divine mind, which you may use at any time, I will show you…because I know, because I see the end from the beginning of all matters and “issues.”

I say: I assume that if You are leading us in this, that the money is not an obstacle?

You say: Well, it tends to be an obstacle as far as your faith is concerned, doesn’t it?

I say: Seems to be.

(Update: The Lord did tell us what to do, and we did it. The seller agreed to the amount the Lord told us to offer and the purchase was made. And it has proven to be a good decision.)


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