Tag Archives: help for believers

The Main Ingredient for a True Great Awakening

I am breaking the continuity of posting chronologically beginning from two years ago.I think it is too timely, this conversation that I had yesterday, for it to wait. I hope and pray that it is a blessing to you.

August 31, 2017
What is Needed for a Great Awakening

me: What is necessary, Lord, for a true Great Awakening?

You: True Humility, which only comes about with the revelation of My Son

me: So it’s the chicken and egg thing again, it seems. We need Jesus to awaken… and we need to awaken to see Jesus.

You: Yes, but Jesus is the Awakener and was before all else was – together with ME. So He comes first so that I can be seen. That’s why HE came to Earth – so that people could see and experience Me and My love personally. So He will always come first regarding things prayed for.

me: How to shed the religious trappings and just seek Him/You? What will cut through the trappings if disaster – continuous – has no effect? Not that You cause disaster, but you will certainly allow it. What will bring about the humility for awakening?

You: An outburst of My Love in action. If My people were to truly love – each other and those outside their circles – the visible strength and power of My Love will grow and become too obvious to ignore. If for no other reason but envy, people will turn their hearts to Me to experience what they see in My people who actually LIVE my Love.

me: And how best to live Your Love?

You: Momently, as always – being led by My Spirit. I love to lead you in loving. I AM Love. Yest My people are so far from Me and My Love! Caught up in the cares of the world – letting the little foxes spoil the vine. It is as if My own people actually have no freedom to choose what they will think, say and do. They’ve fallen prey to the ruler of their world and it is a sad sight to see…people playing church and playing house, as if truly in covenant with Me. It is all a play…until they get in trouble and then listen to them wail for Me! It is a haughty , pretentious generation that will come to its knees.

me: Lord, may it happen supernaturally and not by another natural disaster, I pray.

You: if enough people truly unite (and who is to say what is enough? It could be a very few if truly united together and with Me and My loving purposes…) But if, in Truth and according to Me, enough people truly unite and with Me, I will be in their midst with all the signs and wonders you could ever hope for! That’s not difficult for Me, you know. It is only “hardness of heart and slowness to believe” that keeps this from happening. You see? I LOVE. My Love must be real in the people who call themselves Mine. I must be Real in every aspect of their lives…and if not every, at least one! That is not asking to much, is it? Is that asking too much of the ones who say they are My people? What makes them “My people?” A prayer prayed once upon a time to ask Us into their hearts? Growing up “going to church?” A desperate prayer for help now and then when they’re in trouble? A quick “prayer” for a needy friend with “in Jesus’ name” tacked on the end? People need to look at themselves, see where they truly stand,then completely abandon themselves by looking at ME…and leave their self-driven ways and habits in MY hands to change them from the inside out. It’s always been this way and is no different today. It’s called death to self so that We can truly make our home within you …and feel at home abiding there…rather than having Our hands tied. You see Montserrat as hobbled – unable to move forward. Now picture this: Here is your Creator, invited in, yet not allowed to move at will. That is the situation. And the only remedy is Love, which will bring about true and genuine humility, which will enable Love to grow, which will BE the Awakening, itself!

me: Well, wow! You certainly answered my question! Thank you. Now may I choose Your Love at all times and in all ways! Show me, Lord. Open my eyes to your ever present and infinite Love so that I can freely share it in new ways – in every way -I pray!

You: This is why you are not going North. You need to be here when the tide comes in.

me: !

You: Yes, trust Me.

-a bit later-

You: People do truly believe that I just turn My back on their iniquities because My Love for them is greater than all their sin. (These are My people I’m talking about – the ones  who call themselves Mine.) They persist in their sin of greed and dishonesty and disloyalty and dishonour. And they depend on My grace, established at the Cross, to keep them somehow from falling away altogether.

Listen! My grace IS infinite and my Love also, and they have been forgiven. But people’s choices create the realities that they will have to be responsible for – one way or another. It is wickedly difficult to stand with one foot on the shore and one in the boat. Through trial and error the lot is cast. It’s infinitely easier to simply rest in Me for all decision making. Let Us help you.

I  do not punish sins. Sin, itself, was punished forever and also forgiven on the Cross. Your earthly sins, themselves, however, do create their own effects that are hellish in nature. That’s  just the way it works. So My Love never diminishes though sin abounds, and I can cause all things, including missing the mark, to work together for the good of those who love ME and are called according to My purposes…who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. My Love is All in All. My Love creates ITS own effect which is beautiful in all its ways. Better to choose ME – always better to choose My Love when choosing time arrives.

When people become complacent, they are not very available to Me although I AM always available to them. I do not back off – ever. People do – by the choices they make: the things they think, say and do. I Am not ignorant of these things they do. I see all. I am grieved that they (the people who call themselves Mine) trust themselves more than they trust Me. They must turn the trust of their hearts to Me truly…and it must be a continual habit that they choose to create, in order to UNdo the negative habits that rule their souls. There is great power in choosing. How I desire for people to choose My blessing and My Life! All too often, a crossroad is reached and there is not even the acknowledgement that there IS a crossroad…a choice to be made. Habit carries them on their way. And out of their mouths proceeds unpleasantness. This should not be. My people who are called by My name  are called also to be fountains of sweet waters…not bitter ones. Choose My Life. Speak My Life. Live My Life. You do this by loving with My Love.

Intimate Friendship with God – taken from journal of Sept 16, 2015

September 16

me: So You will increase our hunger if we don’t get more hungry on our own. This sounds like a set-up to create desperation.

You: There is both a collective and an individual basis and context. Chronology will work out the collective part. Personal intimacy with Me determines the individual bit.

me: I want more personal intimacy with You, Lord. I get in Your way all too often and I apologize for it. Part of it is reaction to circumstances (well…it all is, but…) part of it is not being aware of when I am just tired and vulnerable – wrong timing for things, so I get edgy and snappy and complain-y.

I still so need You to prioritize my time for me. I trust that we will (You and I) improve in this area of my living. I really need Your help – continual – in this arena.I’m obsessed with my apparent failure in this department.

You: You’re always a bit obsessed about something you think you’re failing at. There’s always this striving going on, this dis-satisfaction with one part of you or another. Why not forget you and just think of Me? I will take care of all the you stuff. You know I will.

me: Yes, I do. It’s not that I don’t trust You to do it. It’s just the inferiority habit, I guess.

You: That’s exactly what it is. And the old you-without-Me is surely inferior. But with Me in your spirit, we are not inferior. We are perfect. 

me: I know You are, but I do not think: “We are perfect.” It seems wrong.

You: Well, is it not “we” when I inhabit your thinking? You know I inhabit your spirit. And you are truly desirous of My inhabiting your mind, will, emotions and your body too with My perfect Life, right? So when you resist the “we are perfect” idea, you are fighting against what you say you desire.

me: Right. That is true, I guess.

You: It’s still always a matter of agreement. If you agree with Me then you must act like you do. Don’t always be fault finding with yourself (or anyone else.) If you’re going to be disorganized, at least be free in it and enjoy it. If not, then be free in that and enjoy it. Don’t be fighting all the time with yourself. That causes instability/double-mindedness.

me: Right..Of course it would.

You: If I AM in you (and I AM,) then allow Me to do everything. It’s really that simple.

me: Gee, You really do try to get me to understand and do this. So many times and ways You’ve said this – just like in John 15 and on. You say it and then You restate it. And then You try a new way to say the same thing. Very Creative, You.

You: Of course. Creator Me!

me: What hinders my understanding from becoming a transformational revelation? 
You: It is that already. The revelation and transformtion are just being a process, but you want them to be instantaneous.

me: Don’t You? Don’t You want them to be instant?

You: Well, that’s an interesting one. Instant can often equal fleeting. A flash…that does not remain. In fact, most of the time that is what it is.

When the revelation and understanding are slowly built upon by putting to use what you know, your foundation becomes unshakeable. This is what I want, don’t you?

me: I want what You want, Lord.

You: I know this! And you struggle with whether or not you measure up to good stewardship or not. Let it go! Not the stewardship but the struggle, the self-judging. Just be free. If you would just release all that to ME, all your relationships would change! All of them.

You see, people interpret your own self-judgement and condemnation, in a reflective way, on themselves. It un-eases them. This is part of the personality of a prophet. And this is part of your struggle. My prophets have always struggled in this, because they take themselves too seriously! Wonderful people, really great hearers, but complicated lives. Unnecessarily. When did you ever meet (or read) a joyful prophet?
me: Never, I guess.

You: Well, listen to ME now! I want you to be a joyful prophet! That does not mean that people will always want  to hear what you say. But My joy in you is your strength. If this is so, then anything that wars against My joy weakens you, and you must put it out the door. Leave it!

me: Amen. So be it! Help me to spot it and put it out!

You: Of course. I would never instruct you to do anything that I will not help you with. Ever.

me: Thank You. I so need You at all times, Dear.

You: And…strange as it may seem, I need you as well…to be in agreement with Me. I need this. This is essential. Not just you, of course, but definitely you.

me: Hmmm…It is an interesting feeling, that I am needed by You, as I’ve always felt that You’d use whatever You have available, even a donkey or a tree or a rock. You didn’t need me! You’d always have whatever You need, because You are God. You know?

You: While all of that is true, those implications are not true – that you are so insignificant that it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t “work out” with you. You do matter. It does matter…especially to you! I need your involvement with
Me and it does matter. Yes, it does.

me: Thank you for that clarification. I guess I felt it led toward a feeling of self-importance which would be bad.

You: What is important to your self is doing My will – getting on with the plans and purposes. This is not self-importance. This is the mission. The emphasis is not on self. It is on the goal. And your ultimate goal is Me.

me: Right. That’s the right perspective.
You: Not in My kingdom. That never happens where I AM reigning over My Life. How could it? That which I create and recreate will never wither and die. I’m not referring to an unregenerated soul life. I’m referring to My Spirit soaked, Spirit governed Life in you…or anyone. That Life, My Life, does not fade away – ever. So use what I give you.

me: Okay! Help it to not be like work please.
You: Oh, you! You always divide things up into work or pleasure. It’s all the same thing in Me. Try to see that. Can’t you try to see that?

me: Yes, I will.
You: Thank you. It will be helpful to Me and to you.

me: That’s this new concept again of being helpful to You.

You: Oh, come on. It’s not new. My people are always asking Me (or telling Me) what they can do for Me.

me: Well, I’ve just not thought about being Your helper, I guess. Your child, yes. Your servant, yes. But somehow “helper” is different in my mind. I don’t know why. I guess I thought it was falsely humble to think of being servant and overly prideful to think of being assistant…as if You needed anything. I mean, You’re God. You help us! We don’t help You…or so I thought.

You: You are My voice on Earth. Not only you, of course, but, yes you. So is it necessary for My voice to speak? 

me: Yes.
You: Is it necessary for the owners of the voice or the hearers?

me: Both, I guess.
You: Correct.
me: Okay. You need Your will to be done and it is done through us..if we allow. So, I guess You do need us.
You: If people are to see the Truth of My Love and My Life, it can only happen through the lives of those whose wills are lined up with Mine. This is the only way it happens. It is the Plan.

me: I know that but I always deflect feeling important – an important part of anything.

You: That’s because of your pre-Me soul training. Forget all that false humility and inferiority. Just leave it behind. Really leave it! Put it out.

from September 13 and 15, 2015

– taken from journal of September 13, 2015:

I was talking to You about needing a “looking forward to” thing in my head for focus and motivation.

You: How about looking forward to spending the day with Me? In fact, why look forward when I Am present: here/now? Why not enjoy each part of us now and here?

me: I tend to excuse myself from that while doing chores, don’t I? Like…as soon as I get these chores done, I will be able to do this or that. I know You say to do the chores with You and it will be joy. But I’m still not doing it. Not really.

You: It’s just a matter of training your thoughts to agree with Mine. We can think anything together while chore doing. That’s one of the beauties of mundane chores – body is busy but mind and heart are free to be with Me! Plus – being consciously present with Me gets the work done faster.

Me: What is this tiredness and pain that slows me down?

You: You’re just being tested..and not by Me. The enemy tests you and I use it to bless you if you let Me. I do not test people, usually. But you may put Me to the test whenever you like. Never assume that an apparent hardship is a test from ME. It is a test, yes, and I will meet you in it and power you through it to use it as a stepping stone. In retrospect, it is regarded as a test. But I don’t set it up. Circumstances, free will, and the adversary all set up the obstacle course. But I see all, and I Am the power to move you through it. Every test is a blessing if you let Me bless it by responding to it in agreement with Me.

Thoughts: As I was trying to experience You in apple peeling, You showed me the beauty of the fruit. I said, (cheeky me!) “Yeah, this is probably a genetically modified apple.”

You: Ask My blessing on it and it will nourish and do you no harm.
September 15
me: Lord, I only want to do everything with You. You know this is true. Please continue to help me be lead-able and not to get jammed up about “time.”

You: I’ve shared with you about time – how My time is different. It would be useful for you to review.

Me: Lord, help me to live in Your kairos at all times, for that is what manages the chronos succesfully, (however You deem successful chronos management.) I assume it is simply good stewardship. I want to be an excellent steward of all that You give me. Please help me to do this. Only You can. I love You. You are so loving and generous to share with us all that You are! How blessed we are to be Yours and to be led by Your Light! I’m jus sayin…Your goodness  is overwhelming.

You: Good! It’s meant to be that way.That is My pure intention. If I were not perceived as overwhelming, My people would be self-satisfied. And we know that self cannot satisfy. Only I can satisfy My people, and you must know, for certain, that there will always be too much of Me for you to comprehend. There will always be an over-abundance of all of My good things and all My things are good! And I am never the one to cut them off – to turn off or turn down the supply. It will always be your ability to take and share/import/dispense that monitors the amount you can perceive and receive.
This is key. And this is the crux of stewardship. So..how do you increase your ability to perceive and receive more of Me? By being with Me momently and by using what I give you. This opens the aperture to let more light in…to see better and more clearly by.
It often seems like a chicken/egg thing to you. You need to do this to get more of Me but you need more of Me to be able to do it. I know. But…regarding chickens and eggs: I made the chicken first.

Me: And that means…

You: It means that if you will focus on Me, all else will follow. Just see Me, lean on Me, trust Me, hear Me, love Me. Everything else is in Me and will fall into place. (Matthew 6:33.) Fix your eyes on Me alone in everything you do. Everything with no exceptions. That would be the discipline of removing your eyes from self and from circumstance – dying to self-based responses and allowing  Me to respond in and through you instead.

Me: You try so many different ways to tell me the same thing! Patient You! Thank You for never giving up on Your beloved children!

You: I could never. It is not in Me to do. I Am true and faithful. I Am the definition of those words. Now you may become true and faithful as a result.

Me: I want to be true and faithful! You know I do.

You: Yes, I do know this, and you are becoming the expression of My life through your life. You don’t see it happening, but I do. It is happening. In fact, although “it” is not complete, the exchange of My life for yours – in that the process is a transition in My kairos – it is finished…ipso facto.

Me: You always bring it back to the beginning again, but with more light and understanding.

You: Yes, that’s what I do. Because I love you. And because you ask! So many people (My people) ask amiss – they want their desires met in Me. They don’t yet realize that if they were to surrender their desires to Me, I would meet them where they are with My desires placed into their hearts…bringing us into agreement. Then their prayers are answered! It’s not as if I don’t want them to be happy with their little wants catered to. It’s just that I’d rather they be overwhelmed with My meeting their great desires and the Good longing in their hearts for more of Me and All of Who I AM… in them to be lived! It’s big. So much bigger than My people understand. BIG. Infinite and eternal, that’s Me. Who I Am. And My people are existing on the crumbs, a mere survival diet of Me. And this cannot and will not continue. If hunger does not increase, I will increase it.

More on Agreement – taken from September, 2015 entry

Sept. 9, 2015

Me:  The Shemita will soon be upon us. Lord, I know the days of bigger trouble are here, around the bend, and I know that all we want is to be in Your will and one, as one, with You. So please help us to do it/be it. I know that You’ve probably “already done everything,” but You have also reminded me of the power of prayer and admonished me to never underestimate it.

So here I am a-prayin, Lord, to know You better, to hear and see You better, to share You better. Please help me do it in practical and miraculous ways – both! You know I long to see people healed and made whole and lives transformed. You know that’s what I’ve always wanted to see and be a part of, Lord. I know that there is no work I can do to earn these answers to prayer.You truly have done all. I know that the “work of the Lord” is to believe You and to believe and act on Your Word. I just don’t do it very well.

You:  Stop saying that! It’s not you, who does it, anyway. It is I, in and through you. Just let Me. You let me by believing that I can and will. Anytime you 100% believe that I can do who I Am in your life, you will see what you long for.

the following is the tail end of a lengthy processing of my thoughts after time in the Spirit:

me:   Okay, so back to “agreement,” the big theme between You and me. It is highly unlikely that one will find one’s self in agreement with You quite by surprise or accident or…unintentionally. It will not “just happen.” Our pre-You conditioning predisposes us otherwise. It can only happen via acts of our will. This much is quite evident. That is clear. We will not simply wake up one day and find ourselves in agreement with God without some serious intentional decisions…on a momently basis, I will add. This could be off-putting or scary to new believers if not for Your amazing love which wooes us gently into trusting You…as You prove Your faithfulness to us in acts of loving kindness.

Your steadfast love is what has the power to change everything, including our very hearts. Your love is the Great Transforming Power – always has been, always will be! Where would I be, Lord, without knowing You and the power of Your love? I would be another person, altogether, …probably still searching for Truth in this world, but for You who answered my search with Your very Self. I would have experienced ever so much more heartache,I’m sure…due to terrible sabotaging choices…in spite of Your hand always being on me and keeping me generally safe from my self. That was the enemy’s set-up and strategy. And that would have been fulfilled, as in the lives of many of my hippie friends, without the intervention of You, which was actually via David. I am absolutely certain of this. So I should never bemoan unrealized dreams and creative aspirations – even in my thoughts silently…even for a moment.

This returns me to your initial statement today regarding the notion that grumbling is actually synonymous with magnifying the enemy of our souls. When we grumble and grouse, we are lining ourselves up in agreement with the deceiver. What-if-ing the past is useless. But what-if-ing in You, now and in the future, gives place to the application of You to every situation! We can and need to apply You to every situation in our lives – every thought, emotion, word, deed, and response and initiative in every circumstance.

Why begin any interaction or individual project “in the flesh” (on our own, independent of you) and then, midstream, attempt to correct or adjust it into alignment with You…(which may or may not work,) when we can start out in agreement with You at the beginning of all projects and interactions? This is so key and will save us so much time and energy and also spare us the sense of futility which I guess is inevitable when we begin on our own – outside agreement with You. I see the ideal. I can see it. I just do need to act on what I see – on a momently basis.

This is true for all of us. I use me because it’s who I’ve got to practice on and there’s no use sharing with others what I cannot or will not do, myself. And…You want me to share Your realities with others. That’s why I’m doing this.

This typing up of our conversations, however, can loom as somewhat of a chore. Sorry. Lord…I will alter  that perception…or You will, if I let You. As with everything, You transform it with Your joy…if we will allow. It is so much simpler than we perceive, and we do really tend to complicate the whole thing by perceiving challenges, (great or small,) as burdensome, heavy loads to carry or obstacles to overcome. Needlessly! This is how the enemy wants us to perceive things. It is how we “weary in well doing.” It wears us out.

I got a reminder today that the adversary cannot read our minds. He can float thoughts and ideas across them but we can choose whether we take them or let them pass by. Point being: He doesn’t mind-read. If we don’t speak negative thoughts we will not agree with or magnify the power of deception in our lives. The thoughts may well float by, but they “have nothing in us…” unless we agree with them…in which case they actually do, by right of our own consent! It is our job to nip them in the bud and refuse to provide a home and environment for them to grow. Somebody (maybe Kenneth Hagin?) once said, “You can’t keep a bird from flying over your head, but you sure can keep it from making a nest on it!”

The adversary remains a law breaker, breaking Your laws. If we are to break laws they should be the ones set up by him, Deception: the temporary ruler of this world. And those would be laws of sin, sickness and death! “For the law of the Spirit,alive in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death.” – Romans 8:2


On the Topic of Agreement – excerpt from an ongoing conversation of August 13, 2015

You said: Resistance to My Spirit creates the friction which gives Deception a toe-hold. Likewise, resistance to Deception, by remaining in agreement with Me, opens the way to give My Spirit freedom to move in a greater way.

It is usually the hermits, mystics and contemplatives who are the “Mary-s” of this world. Yet I call all of My people to be so. But you see a world of “Martha-s” in this body that calls itself Mine. This cannot continue for much longer. You see, it is possible to be a productive Mary in this world, but it’s only possible when it is I who does the work, the producing.

So, how to be a productive Mary is what you are faced with. And the answer comes back to your momently worship, your momently loving, with and by Me.

I will lead you. If I lead you, you will not feel:

– overwhelmed
– frustrated
– disorganized
– defeated or “not enough”
– or like your efforts are futile and you’re swimming upstream

You may experience these sensations fleetingly but you are to dismiss them immediately, as your reading today advised. This is capturing every thought that exalts itself above your knowledge of who I AM and My knowledge of all that is.

It is amazing how stubbornly My people fight against resting in My finished Work. Really – how many excuses can they come up with? A very creative lot, My people!

Look: If you truly rest in Me, your life – all aspects of it – will be completely different. And can you guess what it will look like? Correct. It will look like My Life. And isn’t that want all of you desire? Isn’t that your collective hearts’ desire? It is my good pleasure to give you your hearts’ desires. They have already been given. But they are yet to be received. When they are received, you will see: blind eyes opened, bodies healed, and lives transformed.

When you walk by faith and not by sight, you are ordering your steps according to who you know Me to be in you. You are allowing Me to direct each step, moment by moment. It is so very much simpler than you imagine!

Your hand will be healed, as well as all of the pains in your body. And your youth will be renewed. You see, although I have not caused the physical pains, I am using them to drive you into the mode-of-being that you need to be functioning in. I am using all of it. So don’t fear. Just let Me do My work in you.

Temperaments, predispositions, physical weaknesses, etc…all of these things are perfectly changeable by Me, if you will just let Me have them! It is so ironic that My people are happy to give Me their strong, “good” parts but they desperately hold on to their weaknesses as if they are defined by them. You are, in actual fact, defined by what you agree with. So why not agree with Who I AM in you? You have no good reason not to. There is no reason not to. You know too much not to. I say this not to pressure you with guilt, but to lead you with the promise of My glory! How people have misconstrued this is an amazement!

I say: I’m sorry we’ve misconstrued so much. I want to order my steps by Your Light of Truth.

You say: You have it. There is no limitation to it either. You may have as much as you like. This is true with all of My resources as long as you and I are in agreement.

I say: And I see how easily we step out of it. I can see how someone could mistakenly think that You generally or even always speak through…me, for instance, when that is only the case if and when I am in agreement with You. If I take You for granted and assume You are speaking through me at most or all times, including when I am not in agreement with You, then I am deeply in error! In those moments of independence from You, I am not at all trust-able. This is how we screw up, in ministry and life in general. We step away from our total dependence on You. I see that very clearly.

You say: Yet you are not to live in trepidation or fear of not being in agreement with Me. You just have to know Me well enough to hear and do. Shepherd – sheep. My wisdom for and in you is infinitely (and I do mean infinitely) greater than anything of yours, apart from Me.

People have so misunderstood “the surrendered life.” It is the most powerful life possible on this Earth, because it is My Life. It is as if My people fear that I do not want them to be happy and fulfilled and blessed, when the opposite it true! They think that surrendering is a huge sacrifice! This is hilarious! As if…anything you “surrender” could compare with what We have done for you at the Cross. Your little sacrifices of this and that matter nothing to Me.

I say:  That sounds harsh.

You say: That’s the problem! It gets perverted, skewed, in mid-air, to “sound harsh.” It is the most loving thing possible. When I say your sacrifices are of no consequence, what I mean is that it is your heart that matters and that is all that matters to Me…that your heart and Mine are one. Agreement is ultimately better than sacrifice.

If you sacrifice a desire for the (correctly or incorrectly) perceived greater good, that does not earn you more Light or blessing or favour with Me. You see, what opens up the aperture is the harmony, the agreement that is experienced in our Love together. When this happens, your surrender or submission is no longer perceived as such. It becomes your joy! 

This is what My people don’t get. And how I wish they did. Paul tried to explain it, but he struggled with the words over and over again… because this can only be understood by the revelation of experience with Me and My Holy Spirit.

Listen: Nothing is worth sacrificing the sweetness of holy intimacy with Me. That is the sacrifice that Adam made. He gave it away! This sacrifice made it necessary for My Son to experience a momentary absence of Our intimacy, in the sins of Adam, in order to re-open the Way for people to choose this original relationship with Me. When people, My people, put this regained intimacy “on hold” while they “do life,” it is the enemy’s victory – to get them to sacrifice Me for a Martha type busy-ness that will never fulfill them.

Don’t ever sacrifice our sweet time together (always time) for doing life the world’s way. Please let Me stay with you and you stay with Me in every single thing you do. Not fanatically, but I will establish a flow to it. You’ll see. Like a melody we will do our days together. No more huff and puff.

I say: You know, Lord, I am very grateful for the idea of this and I know it has to truly transition from idea to reality in my life. I do not want ever to take the reigns back and run the show on my own. Yet You see it happen and so do I. “I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do what I do want to do, Oh, wretched man am I! etc…” – Paul the apostle

I realize that it is the inherited human condition. I get the idea and I get Your plan to re-do our ways of being. I need help doing it – lots of it! I don’t want to do it half-way. I want to be whole-hearted. I want to be trustable with the treasure of You. I do not wish to take You for granted.

You: I know. That’s why we’re having this conversation.

me: Please help me, supernaturally, to stay on course. I can’t do it otherwise.

You: Nobody can! That’s the whole point, Silly! What a ridiculous expectation to think you could! You always revert back to the you-doing-it place. It is not you...It is I, in you, who does this. The way it happens is by you coming into agreement with Me. This is why I suggested that you think of obedience as agreement rather than obedience. Obedience paints a picture of master and servant. Agreement paints a picture of power, strength, acceptance, willingness, at-one-ness. Synergy. This is what I’m after.

The self-worth yo-yo is completely irrelevant when we are in agreement. It doesn’t even have a place in the picture! My people are still so horribly consumed by the self-worth
drama which leaves Me completely out of the picture! This should not be. And it doesn’t have to be.

You are becoming who I created you to be. You manifest this when you are in agreement with Me. This is true of everyone. I do not have special people whom I love more than others. It is true, however, that as you live life more and more in agreement with Me, you will experience more and more favour, and you will be more and more able to see the blessings that surround you to use them for My glory.

This may look to others as if you are special or as if you are more loved by Me. Not so! It is just the principles of My kingdom at work. My kingdom is functioning on the Earth whenever you allow Me to be your loving king, by simply cooperating with Me.

It’s that simple. People complicate it terribly. Simplify it for them please. Show them how do-able a life in agreement with Me can be. I know you perceive this “showing them” as a big deal. It isn’t – It’s what you were made for. You have it all (Me all) in you. We will do this. But first you must see it for yourself – in operation. And this comes through the momently walk. In the momently walk, the supernatural becomes natural, as I live My life through you. Natural life doesn’t live in fits and spurts. It lives  continuously, moment by moment, until the heart stops beating. My Life is the same, only it never ends. If My Life is continuous, continual and ever flowing, why should you limit yourself to partaking of it sparingly, here and there? Now and then? In portions of the day? As applied to only certain aspects of your living? That’s silly, isn’t it really? Does it make any sense to do that?

me: No. No sense at all, Lord.

You: So come to My senses and let us live life together, as one, please. Do not say, “I will try.” You may choose to allow the excitement you experience in these intimate conversations with Me to over-ride any arguments or rationalizations that come along. (And there will be plenty.) Remind yourself that this is the Big Thing and nothing comes close to it in Bigness. Nothing in your life comes close in size, significance or anything else that you or the deceiver can come up with to compete with it. There is no competing with Me and My great Love.

me:  Right, I guess praying in the Spirit continually is necessary.

You: Of course. And you already do that except when your emotions and defenses interrupt.

me: Right. Can’t let that happen.

You: Right. I’ll be your defense. My Love will be your emotion.

        (Later that night, after expressing my concern that I may have mis-heard something God had told me regarding a particular person and situation:)

You: Listen to you …doubting already. You know that things are rarely as they seem, and I’ve told you this several times before. When this happens, nothing changes the Truth. Just continue to trust Me. Our conversations are not manufactured by you…just so you know for sure. The deceiver’s doing the deceiving job. Don’t worry…you are still a good hearer. But these tests to make you doubt our relationship are inevitable. And they generally come not through strangers but through people you care about. Not that they are against Me – It’s just the form the tests take. The form. The form. Never trust the form, but you can always trust Me in every circumstance. You know this Voice of Mine. You know that you know It. So don’t question what I say – even if it seems not to pan out, even if it seems it couldn’t have been from Me…based on events that may happen. Know that it is from Me. You questioned this today.

Me: Yes, because I want to be sure that I’m not adding things here or there to what You say. Perhaps I am too free to share it.

You: Perhaps. Or perhaps you’re afraid of being perceived as a false prophet!

Me: Hmmm…


On Healing and Agreement: from July 24, 2015

from July 24, 2915

in an ongoing conversation regarding the things that block the manifestation of physical healing:

I say: How to know if it ( the obstacle) is primarily spiritual, physical or a battle of the soul (mind,will,emotions?)

You say: It doesn’t matter! Whether I say, “Be healed” or “Your sins are forgiven.” It is all one and the same. It all amounts to believing and understanding fully how I can be your righteousness….if you will just let Me. Let Me be who I Am in you. Let Me do what I do – in you. Why not? It’s why I am in you to begin with! It! The whole reason.

The arguing is the process by which the soul is transformed. But it doesn’t have to take a lifetime. Imagine: If the agreement were instantly achieved, say, right now…how would lives around you, from now on, be changed as a result?

I say: Well, if You were flowing 100% through me then You would heal and counsel and deliver and set free…everyone!

You say: Correct…everyone who wills it.

I say: But You went about healing all. It says so in Your Word.

You say: All but the religious who thought they didn’t need Me. They thought they had everything they needed that pertained to life and godliness.

I say: Right. So once again our biggest adversary is pride – That’s clear.

You say: Pride and unbelief. Pride got Lucifer banished from My kingdom. Unbelief had the Israelites wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years…unnecessarily. And unbelief is fear. Listen…if, when it all simmers down to the bottom of the pot, the worst thing to fear is death, and I have conquered death, how freeing is that?!?

I say: For me, personally, I would prefer death to suffering on the way to death…a long, painful, drawn out dying with the body all messed up, etc… An instant death would be perfect!

You say: So you fear intense physical pain and anguish.

I say: I suppose I do. I think about the martyrs and I think about the pain and anguish S has experienced with the migraines for 30 years, which are so debilitating. I think of cancer patients and also those who were and are today tortured for their faith. I think of people who try, unsuccessfully, to end their lives, like my friend, P, and they become fragments of who they were and could be due to injury at the hand of self. I think the rapture sounds fabulous but unfair when so many martyrs have died terrible deaths. I think excruciating pain without morphine would be horrible, yet I know Your Spirit is able to sustain, transcend and also heal. So I have some confusion about this, I guess: The in-between injury and death…in-between life and death.

You say: Think of your father, It was in the in-between that he and I met, one on one and heart to heart. The in-between time has potential to be a mercy of space for redemption and reconciliation.

I say: Yes, but You do not cause the pain, so can You not prevent it?

You say: I can be with you in it and I can remove it. Do you not believe that you can be translated from the physical plane into the next one even as we speak? This goes back to our “realms” conversation.

I say: Yes, I do believe that. Of course I do, and I want to do it too!

You say: Then it is a matter of agreeing with Me. And that is all that needs to be done. If I need you to be translated into another realm, and your soul is in agreement with My Spirit, have no doubt – you will go!

I say: So it is all a matter of lining the soul up with Your Spirit. Back to that, as usual.

You say: Yes, but this does not have to be a big, sweaty, dirty job. You people make it that way. That’s what all the striving is about. Think: Rowing and toiling against the wind. No fish to catch. No food to give the people. Bracing against the storm – “Master, we perish!” as the wind whips them around on their little boat. Now think: “Peace. Be still.” Nets breaking. Loaves and fishes. Instantly at the other shore.

There are two ways and My way is better than yours! The word, “higher” was used, because it is infinitely beyond and other than your way, which is limited to the constraints and laws of this cosmos – temporarily.

Imagine: If you were to only think My way and never think man’s way. Just imagine what could happen! That is how you let Me live My Life through you. Think My thoughts. It’s really very easy. You don’t really even have to know many of them in advance…if you are able to recognize what is not My thought and put it out. That’s why knowing My Word is so useful, just as bankers are flashed the real money repeatedly, over and over again, in order to spot the counterfeit whenever it shows up. Knowing my Word makes it much easier for you to spot what contradicts it. So, that’s why I say to keep them in your house and mind and heart and on your lips. It’s not to give you a chore to do or to score points with Me, but to make your real work of believing in Me much easier!

It is all about Me. But what I did on the cross is all about you, you see. I AM all about you. I AM for you. I love you. I have given All for you. So all you really “need” to do is to rest on Me and let Me do in you what I do. To do that you will put out all contradictions to Me…like pulling weeds from a garden or ticks from a dog. It is deception & death removal: removing what steals life and chokes it out. Just spot it and remove it. It is no more difficult than that. And you have a Heaven’s worth of help to do it. Just be firm and don’t nurse or cater to half truths (the relative,) but stick with the absolute. My absolute is infinite and eternal. There is enough for forever and you don’t have to be stingy with it or use it “just some of the time.” Make My absolute your rule of thumb, your plumb line, your standard. Yes, it takes some re-arranging, but what is worth not doing it?

This does not require a lot of speaking. In fact, most of it is done quietly in the mind. But there are times to speak it boldly and you will know when. When doubts arise and are voiced, you may speak My truth. When fear arises, speak My love. When pain arises, speak My provision for healing. The more you do it, the more “first nature” it becomes. This echoes all you’ve been learning for years because it is the Main Point of life on Earth: to live in agreement with Me for My will to be done “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Just don’t get caught up in going about the day – reserving these morning times for Me, and then doing life-as-usual. These morning times are launching pads, spring boards into your day, powering you up, preparing you to use our conversations momently as you go. Keeping them in a pretty blue book is sweet, but using them is the big idea.

I know this is not new stuff. But it is the important stuff, and so I will keep emphasizing it to get you and keep you on board. You ask. I answer. It’s a great system! I like it. And you are a good hearer, so I will continue to speak with you. I love it. It is what I most love – relating, having true relationship with My beloved people. You must know how it pleases Me.

I say: Well, I know it pleases me, Lord! And I am very grateful to now that it pleases You because I do want to please You with this life You’ve given me. I still get bogged down and derailed by the apparent conflict between the mundane and the creative. You tell me it needn’t be that way, yet I’m not in the clear on this, as far as evidence goes – my evidence of being able to manage both effectively, remaining focused on You.
You say: Just meditate on today’s conversation and you’ll see how it works. It’s never as big a deal as you think. You think: “Housework – yuck, groan!” You don’t have to do that. That’s your stumbling block. Why separate it out from anything we do together? You can choose not to do that.

(Regarding a childhood illness and resulting coma:)

As for your brain and possible neurological damage, it is irrelevant. Whether factually true or not, these thoughts disagree with Mine. I have always met you where you are and I shall continue to do so. It affected your past but not your future, now that you know Me better and that I Am in you for reasons.

Asking Me in (salvation) is not primarily for eternity but equally for here and now with Me. The here and now with me bears weight on the future. You will have eternity – what about now?Eternity with Me can be realized in a moment of in-between life and death. Having Me here and now is what your living is about. Think about it.

excerpt from July 7, 2015


I see myself in the past, and even these days, still slipping into huffing and puffing and “trying to do it all.” What a silly picture I see!


Silly and sad too, because My people are so resistant to simply resting in Me. “The work of the Lord,” is simply resting in Me with full confidence and trust that I will both lead and do what is best…because only I know what is best.


Yes, only You know, and yet we grapple with knowing when all we have to do is listen to Your heart!


“Grapple with knowing” is a good way to put it. There is a striving that needn’t be. It steals the peace that has already been provided and puts it in the background or the foreground off in the distance, as something to be attained. You do not need to achieve My peace or anything else! It has all been attained and provided for you. All you need do, if you choose to, is to walk in it – abide with Me. Abide in My presence, being watered by My Word and My Spirit. The fruit is inevitable! And nobody can argue with lovely, juicy, ripe fruit. It simply is, and it is for the taking. And as people partake of it, they become transformed by its nourishment – revived, made more alive. It is always this way with Me. Always.

If there is a sense of being less alive, it comes from an opposing something that fights against My Good Truth and Love. It is easy to recognize and to nip in the bud: When there is not peace ruling and leading, find what is ruling and leading and put it out. Then hop back on the “peace train,” to quote an old favorite song of yours. You have ME – all of who I AM – in your spirit. This includes My peace, love, wisdom, perfect divine life and health, kindness, patience, understanding – everything I AM in in you. And you can yield to all of it, some of it, or none of it. None, some, or all.


I’m thinking of the parable that speaks of 30, 60 or 100 fold return…How do people function on the planet, yielding to ALL of it?!?


Only One person has ever done that. But it is possible, as He said, through Him, to do. My people just don’t believe it, really.

There are physical laws/parameters that, while you are in this cosmos, you need to work within. However, if My will being done requires over-riding these laws, My Spirit easily over-rides them. That’s how it works. It is My will – related.


But isn’t healing always Your will? So why are we not always healed: an over-riding of physical laws/constraints?


Sin, sickness and disease are all equally related to the fall and all equally annihilated by the Life, death and resurrection of My Son. It has been done. Man fell. World system was hijacked by air prince who deceives. Individuals are redeemed by Son’s sacrifice for them at their acceptance of Our love. Ideally, at the moment of new birth, all would be transformed. But you know the soul and the body are not as easily inhabited as the spirit of a man. They have their set ways that were formed in fallen-ness.

As you know, as you press into Me, they become less and less fallen or set in their deceived fallen-ness. They become transformed. You will prosper as your soul prospers. Your soul will prosper as it is transformed by My Spirit. It is inevitable, whether it happens on this plane or the next, now or later. But I know you want to see it happen here and now. You fight and resist it also though. You know you do. The only way not to resist Me is to actively take captive every single thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Me and to submit to My higher, supernatural Life in all you do. Simple!


Well, you make it sound that way! And I see that we’re the ones who complicate it. That’s certainly very easy to see. And…we’ve got a lot of “help” in the complication department.


Yes, but not nearly as much Help as you have in the transformation department!


So true! Seeing You’re omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and “all!”


Right, so it is very thick of people to bog down in the whole thing, when all they really need do is fly!


Thick, indeed…one of Mom’s favorite words. How is she?


Joyous! You reason that anyone 100% in My presence will be joyous. But picture her: Dancing, singing, painting, forming beauty with her hands, laughing. Now picture this: Picture you doing all that here on Earth – in complete freedom. Picture it! See it. You do all these things but not in complete freedom. Yet you could. You have all of Me here now. Use My Life. How I long for My people to use My Life! It’s as if it weren’t unlimited! People are stingy with Me. This should never be!!! It is a grave error. Turn the tap on all the way. You never need to conserve Me. Ever.

There are times when I will share with you counsel that is only for you. That is not what I mean about conserving Me. Pieces of wisdom fit into place and all have their places. But if you keep the tap open to Me at all times, you will find so many needs being met in and all around you. It is What I Do. It is Who I AM. It is not a matter of coming back to Me for more. It is a matter of My being always here, available on demand, as called upon. You see, this is regarded by the religious as, “radical.” Good! I Am radical. Look it up.

And so I did look it up and discovered the following information from the dictionary:

radical: as adjective:

1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough, complete, total, comprehensive, exhaustive, sweeping, far-reaching, wide-ranging, extensive,across the board, profound, major, stringent, rigorous
2. advocating or based on thorough or complete reform / revolutionary

as noun:

chemistry: a group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds

as adjective:

1. of or relating to or proceeding from a root
2. of or relating to the origin
3. a) very different from usual or ordinary
b) favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions or institutions

origin: Latin: radic-radix / root / foundation

free radical: an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons; especially: one that is produced in the body by natural biological processes or introduced from an outside source that can affect cells, proteins, and DNA by altering their chemical structure


Hmm….lots to consider here! If I read without negative context, “introduced from an outside source (God as invited in) that can “affect” cells, proteins and DNA by altering their (fallen) chemical structure…producing healing!

In the context of the body of Christ, one of us free radicals can affect the whole body by altering its DNA…as You alter ours.


In science, free radicals are “bad rebel” atoms that cause trouble Well, I cause big trouble to a fallen world and fallen humanity, because I radically transform those who have Me in them and I change their fallen-ness to wholeness.

The world prince (temporary) reads this as big trouble (as in, ‘Houston, we have a problem!”) But that’s because the world is operating backwards and upside down from My kingdom. (Think: Screwtape Letters.)

Within you is the transforming power to re-create everything for My glory. Everything in and round you!

Remember, at the beginning of your trip to the States I said to you, “I am in you, therefore everything is supernatural.”


Yes, I well remember it.


I meant it!


You mean everything You say, Lord. You don’t ever not mean it.




Okay! Please help me do it!


I will! I Am!


Lead the way. Please keep me open and hearing You, Lord. I am completely dependent upon You.