This painting is of an actual place I’ve visited in my sleeping dream world since childhood. I can recall thinking, mid-dream, “Gee, I wish I could take a picture of this, so I can see it whenever I want to!” Nope, impossible. But those luscious colours kept begging me to capture them. #lovecolors Not so long ago, as I was just enjoying dripping colours on my canvas, I “saw” IT begin to appear before my eyes – the very place in my dreams! The most curious thing to me about these paintings is that every one I’ve ever done has sold almost immediately. Weird! I didn’t even have them FOR sale. (I thought I’d painted each one of these just for me.) But life apparently was showing me that my dreams ( and hopes) do matter and they may even be of interest or usefulness to others too. And that means…drum roll….that everyone of us has dreams and hopes that matter and may well be of value to others. Do you find anything interesting about this painting?
“Underground River” Acrylic,