On the Topic of Agreement – excerpt from an ongoing conversation of August 13, 2015

You said: Resistance to My Spirit creates the friction which gives Deception a toe-hold. Likewise, resistance to Deception, by remaining in agreement with Me, opens the way to give My Spirit freedom to move in a greater way.

It is usually the hermits, mystics and contemplatives who are the “Mary-s” of this world. Yet I call all of My people to be so. But you see a world of “Martha-s” in this body that calls itself Mine. This cannot continue for much longer. You see, it is possible to be a productive Mary in this world, but it’s only possible when it is I who does the work, the producing.

So, how to be a productive Mary is what you are faced with. And the answer comes back to your momently worship, your momently loving, with and by Me.

I will lead you. If I lead you, you will not feel:

– overwhelmed
– frustrated
– disorganized
– defeated or “not enough”
– or like your efforts are futile and you’re swimming upstream

You may experience these sensations fleetingly but you are to dismiss them immediately, as your reading today advised. This is capturing every thought that exalts itself above your knowledge of who I AM and My knowledge of all that is.

It is amazing how stubbornly My people fight against resting in My finished Work. Really – how many excuses can they come up with? A very creative lot, My people!

Look: If you truly rest in Me, your life – all aspects of it – will be completely different. And can you guess what it will look like? Correct. It will look like My Life. And isn’t that want all of you desire? Isn’t that your collective hearts’ desire? It is my good pleasure to give you your hearts’ desires. They have already been given. But they are yet to be received. When they are received, you will see: blind eyes opened, bodies healed, and lives transformed.

When you walk by faith and not by sight, you are ordering your steps according to who you know Me to be in you. You are allowing Me to direct each step, moment by moment. It is so very much simpler than you imagine!

Your hand will be healed, as well as all of the pains in your body. And your youth will be renewed. You see, although I have not caused the physical pains, I am using them to drive you into the mode-of-being that you need to be functioning in. I am using all of it. So don’t fear. Just let Me do My work in you.

Temperaments, predispositions, physical weaknesses, etc…all of these things are perfectly changeable by Me, if you will just let Me have them! It is so ironic that My people are happy to give Me their strong, “good” parts but they desperately hold on to their weaknesses as if they are defined by them. You are, in actual fact, defined by what you agree with. So why not agree with Who I AM in you? You have no good reason not to. There is no reason not to. You know too much not to. I say this not to pressure you with guilt, but to lead you with the promise of My glory! How people have misconstrued this is an amazement!

I say: I’m sorry we’ve misconstrued so much. I want to order my steps by Your Light of Truth.

You say: You have it. There is no limitation to it either. You may have as much as you like. This is true with all of My resources as long as you and I are in agreement.

I say: And I see how easily we step out of it. I can see how someone could mistakenly think that You generally or even always speak through…me, for instance, when that is only the case if and when I am in agreement with You. If I take You for granted and assume You are speaking through me at most or all times, including when I am not in agreement with You, then I am deeply in error! In those moments of independence from You, I am not at all trust-able. This is how we screw up, in ministry and life in general. We step away from our total dependence on You. I see that very clearly.

You say: Yet you are not to live in trepidation or fear of not being in agreement with Me. You just have to know Me well enough to hear and do. Shepherd – sheep. My wisdom for and in you is infinitely (and I do mean infinitely) greater than anything of yours, apart from Me.

People have so misunderstood “the surrendered life.” It is the most powerful life possible on this Earth, because it is My Life. It is as if My people fear that I do not want them to be happy and fulfilled and blessed, when the opposite it true! They think that surrendering is a huge sacrifice! This is hilarious! As if…anything you “surrender” could compare with what We have done for you at the Cross. Your little sacrifices of this and that matter nothing to Me.

I say:  That sounds harsh.

You say: That’s the problem! It gets perverted, skewed, in mid-air, to “sound harsh.” It is the most loving thing possible. When I say your sacrifices are of no consequence, what I mean is that it is your heart that matters and that is all that matters to Me…that your heart and Mine are one. Agreement is ultimately better than sacrifice.

If you sacrifice a desire for the (correctly or incorrectly) perceived greater good, that does not earn you more Light or blessing or favour with Me. You see, what opens up the aperture is the harmony, the agreement that is experienced in our Love together. When this happens, your surrender or submission is no longer perceived as such. It becomes your joy! 

This is what My people don’t get. And how I wish they did. Paul tried to explain it, but he struggled with the words over and over again… because this can only be understood by the revelation of experience with Me and My Holy Spirit.

Listen: Nothing is worth sacrificing the sweetness of holy intimacy with Me. That is the sacrifice that Adam made. He gave it away! This sacrifice made it necessary for My Son to experience a momentary absence of Our intimacy, in the sins of Adam, in order to re-open the Way for people to choose this original relationship with Me. When people, My people, put this regained intimacy “on hold” while they “do life,” it is the enemy’s victory – to get them to sacrifice Me for a Martha type busy-ness that will never fulfill them.

Don’t ever sacrifice our sweet time together (always time) for doing life the world’s way. Please let Me stay with you and you stay with Me in every single thing you do. Not fanatically, but I will establish a flow to it. You’ll see. Like a melody we will do our days together. No more huff and puff.

I say: You know, Lord, I am very grateful for the idea of this and I know it has to truly transition from idea to reality in my life. I do not want ever to take the reigns back and run the show on my own. Yet You see it happen and so do I. “I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do what I do want to do, Oh, wretched man am I! etc…” – Paul the apostle

I realize that it is the inherited human condition. I get the idea and I get Your plan to re-do our ways of being. I need help doing it – lots of it! I don’t want to do it half-way. I want to be whole-hearted. I want to be trustable with the treasure of You. I do not wish to take You for granted.

You: I know. That’s why we’re having this conversation.

me: Please help me, supernaturally, to stay on course. I can’t do it otherwise.

You: Nobody can! That’s the whole point, Silly! What a ridiculous expectation to think you could! You always revert back to the you-doing-it place. It is not you...It is I, in you, who does this. The way it happens is by you coming into agreement with Me. This is why I suggested that you think of obedience as agreement rather than obedience. Obedience paints a picture of master and servant. Agreement paints a picture of power, strength, acceptance, willingness, at-one-ness. Synergy. This is what I’m after.

The self-worth yo-yo is completely irrelevant when we are in agreement. It doesn’t even have a place in the picture! My people are still so horribly consumed by the self-worth
drama which leaves Me completely out of the picture! This should not be. And it doesn’t have to be.

You are becoming who I created you to be. You manifest this when you are in agreement with Me. This is true of everyone. I do not have special people whom I love more than others. It is true, however, that as you live life more and more in agreement with Me, you will experience more and more favour, and you will be more and more able to see the blessings that surround you to use them for My glory.

This may look to others as if you are special or as if you are more loved by Me. Not so! It is just the principles of My kingdom at work. My kingdom is functioning on the Earth whenever you allow Me to be your loving king, by simply cooperating with Me.

It’s that simple. People complicate it terribly. Simplify it for them please. Show them how do-able a life in agreement with Me can be. I know you perceive this “showing them” as a big deal. It isn’t – It’s what you were made for. You have it all (Me all) in you. We will do this. But first you must see it for yourself – in operation. And this comes through the momently walk. In the momently walk, the supernatural becomes natural, as I live My life through you. Natural life doesn’t live in fits and spurts. It lives  continuously, moment by moment, until the heart stops beating. My Life is the same, only it never ends. If My Life is continuous, continual and ever flowing, why should you limit yourself to partaking of it sparingly, here and there? Now and then? In portions of the day? As applied to only certain aspects of your living? That’s silly, isn’t it really? Does it make any sense to do that?

me: No. No sense at all, Lord.

You: So come to My senses and let us live life together, as one, please. Do not say, “I will try.” You may choose to allow the excitement you experience in these intimate conversations with Me to over-ride any arguments or rationalizations that come along. (And there will be plenty.) Remind yourself that this is the Big Thing and nothing comes close to it in Bigness. Nothing in your life comes close in size, significance or anything else that you or the deceiver can come up with to compete with it. There is no competing with Me and My great Love.

me:  Right, I guess praying in the Spirit continually is necessary.

You: Of course. And you already do that except when your emotions and defenses interrupt.

me: Right. Can’t let that happen.

You: Right. I’ll be your defense. My Love will be your emotion.

        (Later that night, after expressing my concern that I may have mis-heard something God had told me regarding a particular person and situation:)

You: Listen to you …doubting already. You know that things are rarely as they seem, and I’ve told you this several times before. When this happens, nothing changes the Truth. Just continue to trust Me. Our conversations are not manufactured by you…just so you know for sure. The deceiver’s doing the deceiving job. Don’t worry…you are still a good hearer. But these tests to make you doubt our relationship are inevitable. And they generally come not through strangers but through people you care about. Not that they are against Me – It’s just the form the tests take. The form. The form. Never trust the form, but you can always trust Me in every circumstance. You know this Voice of Mine. You know that you know It. So don’t question what I say – even if it seems not to pan out, even if it seems it couldn’t have been from Me…based on events that may happen. Know that it is from Me. You questioned this today.

Me: Yes, because I want to be sure that I’m not adding things here or there to what You say. Perhaps I am too free to share it.

You: Perhaps. Or perhaps you’re afraid of being perceived as a false prophet!

Me: Hmmm…


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