September 20,2015 – Two Kinds of Amnesia
I was reading this morning about forgetting past transgressions, and I realized that this is Divine Amnesia, as contrasted to forgetting who we are in Christ, which is the “damnable amnesia,” that I have written about in song. Christ says to keep Him in remembrance at all times. He says to the disciples, “Have you so quickly forgotten the loaves and the fishes? Are your hearts so quickly hardened? Couldn’t you remember to stay awake with Me and pray for Me? Have you forgotten who I AM? Are your hearts still so hard?” ( my paraphrasing of Mark 8:17, Mark 14, etc…)
So, there are two kinds of forgetfulness:
God’s kind – We forget past mistakes and sin nature, the old things that are passed away and we become new creations.
Deception’s kind – We forget who we are in Christ (“for he sees himself in a mirror and walks away… forgetting what manner of man he is.”) – James 1:24
September 22, 2015 – Dying to Self
me: Lord, I give these human stupidnesses in me to You and trust You with them. Thank You. You are all that matters, and somehow I’ve turned down the volume of You, And I’m so sorry…It never happens intentionally, But You know that, of course, because You know everything. Everything there is to know and more. Thank You for Your generosity with Yourself and all that You are. You are faithful and true and I want to be like You. But I lose my temper and get stupid sometimes…as You know. Help me to wear Your worthiness from the inside out. That’s the only way it can happen. Everything else is “works” to try to strive to attain, when You keep saying it has all been attained by You for us already. Why can I not just stay peaceful and joyful? Why do I give me such a hard time?
You: Because you don’t love you as I do. You can’t possibly…until you also die for you as I did. Your form of it is ever so much easier than Mine was. Just do it. Just reckon yourself dead.
me: Reckon. Figure. Calculate. Consider as one. Come to the conclusion. But I keep seeing that I’m still very much alive and kicking!
You: But how much you kick is up to you.
me: So You say.
You: Yes, so I say. And you say you want to hear and do what I say.
me: I do. You know I do. (I remind myself of Peter…”Lord, You know I love you…”)
You: Then do it.
September 29,2015 – Vision and influence
me: Open the apertures, Lord! Help your people to truly see each other as You do and to love each other as You do, without restraint or conditions. Help us to truly see, love, and live Your abundant Life.
You: This is all I long to do. Do My people ever wonder what I long for? Or are their musings and strivings always about what they long for? It seems so. But conditions will change this. Conditions will cause them to become desperate for Me and to know what I desire of them. It’s always been this way. But it needn’t be so. There are some who realize that they can be desperate for Me here and now – in all situations, whether apparently “good or bad.”
Once again, it is the heart that I look at. It is the heart of people that matters to Me and ought to matter to them…because all the rest is fluff and incidental. You see, I long for all of you – just as I place within you a desire for All of Me. It is in and by this synergy that mountains are moved and nations transformed.
me: Lord, what of Nee’s idea that believers should not hold public office? He said government of towns, states, nations, is under control of this wordly system and that it cannot be changed via entering it. Yet Your Word says that You allow their appointment and election – nothing happens behind Your back – and that we are to pray for our leaders.
You: That is because of history’s record that rather than being a light in the darkness, the darkness has influenced the people of Light who have tried. Worldly power either corrupts or it discourages and removes hope. The track record has not been good.
When My people demanded a king, they rejected My rule via prophets and priests…who did have their own curruption challenges, it’s true. But the people wanted to be as other nations, with a king as leader. It’s what people want. But leaders and kings are so corruptible! There is only One who is not. And He will rule and reign in His time.
me: So nix to influence from within government bodies?
You: No, not nix. Nee was really saying that more influence can be wielded from without the system in the way of intercession, intervention, and the practical standing in and for My Light. In other words, given a choice, choose to stay outside it and influence from there…as everyman – only regenerated man… My Man.
The struggle has been for My regenerated (usually very partially so, at that,) person to even maintain the Light he enters office with – not even to mention increasing it. The powers that oppose are strong and overwhelming. That’s why it is truly the exceptional person who can make progress from within the system. It’s not impossible…in the same way that miracles are possible. Unfortunately, although they are very possible, they are very infrequently realized, due to opposing forces. Outside the system there is less chance of power play, except by individuals with controlling temperaments who have a personal agenda. Intercede. Intervene. Stand in and for My Light.