Dear Ones,
This is a bit of a departure from the music I generally listen to, but she has such an amazing vocal range and variance of style. It’s not jazz. It’s not “Contemporary Christian.” It’s the dramatic Filippa Giordano! The album is Passioni. Maybe you guys have heard her before, but I hadn’t until a few months ago. She turned up in a box of CDs somebody had left us when they sold their home here. And I’ve been painting to it….(I have five paintings going right now!) Her styles range from opera to classical to popular…and all very interesting song choices. She wanders in and out of extreme operatic vocal control to just cutting loose, in interesting and sometimes rather wild ways. She has lots of albums, but I really like this one….so filled with pathos…Even the ones in Italian create a response in my heart and I only grasp ever so slightly the meaning of the lyrics, intellectually. But music is a language of the heart! ( You know me….I’m a music head…and a romantic!) I think the intangible thing that I LOVE about this album is that it seems to speak to my authentic self, somehow…and makes me more alive. You guys might not like it at all. BUT on the chance you might, here’s the link online (I think…or find it on whatever music player you use: