Yesterday I had a chore to do. It was a chore that I’ve been putting off for…well, for too long. You see, last fall, we remodeled half (yes, half) of our kitchen. It used to be a verandah years ago, and when it made the switch into a kitchen, it was done somewhat hastily. At least it was not done perfectly. All the walls did not meet up with the ceiling just so, the way they should have done, and there were little places where I could see the outside shining in through the walls lower down….where the cupboards were to be built.
So…this past September, we knocked the walls down in the office end of the kitchen, where I am now typing this story. And we redid the windows, doors, walls and ceiling to its now glorious state of sealed perfection…in the office end of the kitchen. The kitchen end of the kitchen, however, has yet to be done, as the dollars avail themselves. This brings you up to date.
So yesterday was the day I chose to “do” the kitchen cupboards. The reason I had to “do” them was a mouse problem. And now you know why I’d been putting it off. Here in the tropics, our house is very wide open to the outside. We want it that way! We made it that way. But those little holes in the walls of the kitchen where the light shines through have also been doorways, now and then, for…mice. And this would be the third time in 6 months that I’ve had to remove all contents of three cupboards and two drawers and sterilize them and the cupboards, etc… So who wants to do that…again, right? So here I was with my chin set stubbornly to the task. The day had arrived. I had the time, and I was going to DO it! I had decided that I would not get all grossed out by it, but would try my level best to apply the thing I wrote about last time: experiencing God’s presence and including Him in the job at hand. (After all, mice were His idea, one presumes.)
So there I was, was down on the floor, having cleared out the contents, and was busy vacuuming up the …leavings of the dear little creatures God made. And I was just being objective about it. Having realized by then that there were 2 cupboards that the mice did NOT go into, I began to wonder why. Hmmm…are there holes in the wall behind those doors? Yes, one or two. But the mice apparently did not like it in those two cupboards. Why? Hmmm…Let’s look closer. Okay. There is no place to hide in there. There are enough objects in there but they are neatly stacked, with no way to actually climb inside of them. No place to hide! So the thought arrived: “If the yucky cupboards weren’t so flaming mouse-friendly, the rodents wouldn’t hang out there, you know. They wouldn’t be interested in staying and setting up house.” Hmmm… hospitality stations for rodents. Yuck! I had my bees wax pots in there for refining the wax from my honey, for candle and soap making. And there were other bits and pieces. And in the other mouse condo I had Tupperware type plastics. I always start out by putting them all away religiously with their lids on tight, etc… And then, somehow, over time, I get in a hurry now and then and I end up flinging them in there any which way, and quickly slamming the door (with my foot, yet!) before they all fall out. (moral: keep less plastic stuff and throw away everything that has no lid and every lid that has no bottom. But this was no revelation. I come to that conclusion every time I clean that cabinet. And I DO throw away the parts without mates. Still…)
But here’ the real thing. I then got to thinking how my soul (my mind, will and emotions) might also be susceptible to a similar scenario. Surely there are areas in/habits of my being that could potentially be hospitality stations for ideas or feelings that are not God friendly. And if they’re not God friendly, then they’re not truly me friendly either, because God truly does know my heart inside and out, and knows not only what is best for me but what will delight me and bring me the most peace and make me able to truly love others, with His love, the best.
So…I am now, more than ever before, on the prowl, torch in hand, eyes narrowed, in search of those areas of laxness, weakness, or double-mindedness in myself where there might be little holes…just like the fence hole the agouties got through in Decemeber. See God can even use rodents to teach us, if we’re open to the possibility! And because of the creative classroom aspect of yesterday, the disgustingness of the situation was offset by the blessing of the experience. God is so cool!
Until next time,