Tag Archives: women who believe

Remembering / Dying to Self / Vision & Influence- taken from 09/20-29/2015

September 20,2015 – Two Kinds of Amnesia

I was reading this morning about forgetting past transgressions, and I realized that this is Divine Amnesia, as contrasted to forgetting who we are in Christ, which is the “damnable amnesia,” that I have written about in song. Christ says to keep Him in remembrance at all times. He says to the disciples, “Have you so quickly forgotten the loaves and the fishes? Are your hearts so quickly hardened? Couldn’t you remember to stay awake with Me and pray for Me? Have you forgotten who I AM? Are your hearts still so hard?” ( my paraphrasing of Mark 8:17, Mark 14, etc…)

So, there are two kinds of forgetfulness:
God’s kind – We forget past mistakes and sin nature, the old things that are passed away and we become new creations.

Deception’s  kind – We forget who we are in Christ (“for he sees himself in a mirror and walks away… forgetting what manner of man he is.”) – James 1:24


September 22, 2015 – Dying to Self

me: Lord, I give these human stupidnesses in me to You and trust You with them. Thank You. You are all that matters, and somehow I’ve turned down the volume of You, And I’m so sorry…It never happens intentionally, But You know that, of course, because You know everything. Everything there is to know and more. Thank You for Your generosity with Yourself and all that You are. You are faithful and true and I want to be like You. But I lose my temper and get stupid sometimes…as You know. Help me to wear Your worthiness from the inside out. That’s the only way it can happen. Everything else is “works” to try to strive to attain, when You keep saying it has all been attained by You for us already. Why can I not just stay peaceful and joyful? Why do I give me such a hard time?

You: Because you don’t love you as I do. You can’t possibly…until you also die for you as I did. Your form of it is ever so much easier than Mine was. Just do it. Just reckon yourself dead.

me: Reckon. Figure. Calculate. Consider as one. Come to the conclusion. But I keep seeing that I’m still very much alive and kicking!

You: But how much you kick is up to you.

me: So You say.

You: Yes, so I say. And you say you want to hear and do what I say.

me: I do. You know I do. (I remind myself of Peter…”Lord, You know I love you…”)

You: Then do it.


September 29,2015 – Vision and influence

me: Open the apertures, Lord! Help your people to truly see each other as You do and to love each other as You do, without restraint or conditions. Help us to truly see, love, and live Your abundant Life.

You: This is all I long to do. Do My people ever wonder what I long for? Or are their musings and strivings always about what they long for? It seems so. But conditions will change this. Conditions will cause them to become desperate for Me and to know what I desire of them. It’s always been this way. But it needn’t be so. There are some who realize that they can be desperate for Me here and now – in all situations, whether apparently “good or bad.”

Once again, it is the heart that I look at. It is the heart of people that matters to Me and ought to matter to them…because all the rest is fluff and incidental. You see, I long for all of you – just as I place within you a desire for All of Me. It is in and by this synergy that mountains are moved and nations transformed.

me: Lord, what of Nee’s idea that believers should not hold public office? He said government of towns, states, nations, is under control of this wordly system and that it cannot be changed via entering it. Yet Your Word says that You allow their appointment and election – nothing happens behind Your back – and that we are to pray for our leaders.

You: That is because of history’s record that rather than being a light in the darkness, the darkness has influenced the people of Light who have tried. Worldly power either corrupts or it discourages and removes hope. The track record has not been good.

When My people demanded a king, they rejected My rule via prophets and priests…who did have their own curruption challenges, it’s true. But the people wanted to be as other nations, with a king as leader. It’s what people want. But leaders and kings are so corruptible! There is only One who is not. And He will rule and reign in His time.

me: So nix to influence from within government bodies?

You: No, not nix. Nee was really saying that more influence can be wielded from without the system in the way of intercession, intervention, and the practical standing in and for My Light. In other words, given a choice, choose to stay outside it and influence from there…as everyman – only regenerated man… My Man.

The struggle has been for My regenerated (usually very partially so, at that,) person to even maintain the Light he enters office with – not even to mention increasing it. The powers that oppose are strong and overwhelming. That’s why it is truly the exceptional person who can make progress from within the system. It’s not impossible…in the same way that miracles are possible. Unfortunately, although they are very possible, they are very infrequently realized, due to opposing forces. Outside the system there is less chance of power play, except by individuals with controlling temperaments who have a personal agenda. Intercede. Intervene. Stand in and for My Light.

from September 13 and 15, 2015

– taken from journal of September 13, 2015:

I was talking to You about needing a “looking forward to” thing in my head for focus and motivation.

You: How about looking forward to spending the day with Me? In fact, why look forward when I Am present: here/now? Why not enjoy each part of us now and here?

me: I tend to excuse myself from that while doing chores, don’t I? Like…as soon as I get these chores done, I will be able to do this or that. I know You say to do the chores with You and it will be joy. But I’m still not doing it. Not really.

You: It’s just a matter of training your thoughts to agree with Mine. We can think anything together while chore doing. That’s one of the beauties of mundane chores – body is busy but mind and heart are free to be with Me! Plus – being consciously present with Me gets the work done faster.

Me: What is this tiredness and pain that slows me down?

You: You’re just being tested..and not by Me. The enemy tests you and I use it to bless you if you let Me. I do not test people, usually. But you may put Me to the test whenever you like. Never assume that an apparent hardship is a test from ME. It is a test, yes, and I will meet you in it and power you through it to use it as a stepping stone. In retrospect, it is regarded as a test. But I don’t set it up. Circumstances, free will, and the adversary all set up the obstacle course. But I see all, and I Am the power to move you through it. Every test is a blessing if you let Me bless it by responding to it in agreement with Me.

Thoughts: As I was trying to experience You in apple peeling, You showed me the beauty of the fruit. I said, (cheeky me!) “Yeah, this is probably a genetically modified apple.”

You: Ask My blessing on it and it will nourish and do you no harm.
September 15
me: Lord, I only want to do everything with You. You know this is true. Please continue to help me be lead-able and not to get jammed up about “time.”

You: I’ve shared with you about time – how My time is different. It would be useful for you to review.

Me: Lord, help me to live in Your kairos at all times, for that is what manages the chronos succesfully, (however You deem successful chronos management.) I assume it is simply good stewardship. I want to be an excellent steward of all that You give me. Please help me to do this. Only You can. I love You. You are so loving and generous to share with us all that You are! How blessed we are to be Yours and to be led by Your Light! I’m jus sayin…Your goodness  is overwhelming.

You: Good! It’s meant to be that way.That is My pure intention. If I were not perceived as overwhelming, My people would be self-satisfied. And we know that self cannot satisfy. Only I can satisfy My people, and you must know, for certain, that there will always be too much of Me for you to comprehend. There will always be an over-abundance of all of My good things and all My things are good! And I am never the one to cut them off – to turn off or turn down the supply. It will always be your ability to take and share/import/dispense that monitors the amount you can perceive and receive.
This is key. And this is the crux of stewardship. So..how do you increase your ability to perceive and receive more of Me? By being with Me momently and by using what I give you. This opens the aperture to let more light in…to see better and more clearly by.
It often seems like a chicken/egg thing to you. You need to do this to get more of Me but you need more of Me to be able to do it. I know. But…regarding chickens and eggs: I made the chicken first.

Me: And that means…

You: It means that if you will focus on Me, all else will follow. Just see Me, lean on Me, trust Me, hear Me, love Me. Everything else is in Me and will fall into place. (Matthew 6:33.) Fix your eyes on Me alone in everything you do. Everything with no exceptions. That would be the discipline of removing your eyes from self and from circumstance – dying to self-based responses and allowing  Me to respond in and through you instead.

Me: You try so many different ways to tell me the same thing! Patient You! Thank You for never giving up on Your beloved children!

You: I could never. It is not in Me to do. I Am true and faithful. I Am the definition of those words. Now you may become true and faithful as a result.

Me: I want to be true and faithful! You know I do.

You: Yes, I do know this, and you are becoming the expression of My life through your life. You don’t see it happening, but I do. It is happening. In fact, although “it” is not complete, the exchange of My life for yours – in that the process is a transition in My kairos – it is finished…ipso facto.

Me: You always bring it back to the beginning again, but with more light and understanding.

You: Yes, that’s what I do. Because I love you. And because you ask! So many people (My people) ask amiss – they want their desires met in Me. They don’t yet realize that if they were to surrender their desires to Me, I would meet them where they are with My desires placed into their hearts…bringing us into agreement. Then their prayers are answered! It’s not as if I don’t want them to be happy with their little wants catered to. It’s just that I’d rather they be overwhelmed with My meeting their great desires and the Good longing in their hearts for more of Me and All of Who I AM… in them to be lived! It’s big. So much bigger than My people understand. BIG. Infinite and eternal, that’s Me. Who I Am. And My people are existing on the crumbs, a mere survival diet of Me. And this cannot and will not continue. If hunger does not increase, I will increase it.

About these Conversations (taken from August 28, 2015)

from  August 28, 2015

You: If people don’t care, no amount of information given will matter at all. This is why apathy must be uprooted from its source.

Me: But what will uproot it? What will make people care?

You: I will both uproot it and make people care, for they are one and the same action. Your part is to listen, hear, agree, and act upon that agreement. Whether you doubt My Words to you or not does not alter their truth.

me: I’m gun-shy to just act on these “words” from You. I realize that timing is key. Yet I know that You sometimes tell me/give me more of the picture than the immediate part. So…I just must trust You to lead me in the implementation of Your guidance, the application of Your instruction.

You: Of course you must! How else to do anything?

Me:  Right. I just need for my strongest habit to be following You momently…above, before, and beyond all other ways of being.

You: This is correct. This is what you need to do…and consume more and more of My Word so that it can become, embody, who you are, inwardly and outwardly.

Me: Yes. Your Word alive in my spirit, soul and body. Your Word as healing and deliverance – for me and everyone.

Lord? I understand why Your people set up internet channels and blogs and tv shows and write books, etc…It is because they can’t keep You to themselves…because You are so good! But then I see this marketing thing that inevitably gets added in after their initial zeal for the newest media outreach. I know people need money to live and do well, but why should they charge money for what they choose to reach out to others with…stuff You have given them for free? Is it a problem in Your body of believers here on Earth or am I just turned off by what I perceive as merchandising You?

You: It’s the system of a fallen world.

Me: So it is of the temporary ruler of this world system?

You: If My Son reached into the mouth of a fish (My fish) to collect tax money for himself and for Peter, and He said that greater things than He did on Earth you will do, does that agree with the system used here on Earth?

Me: No. Here’s how I see it: As we make ourselves more and more available to You through knowing Your Word and will and agreeing with You, and acting on that agreement (acting as if it is true,) then miracles will occur and multiply. As lives are transformed, blessings will flow – from You, straight up, and from You via others wanting to be a part of the joy.That’s really how I see that it would ideally work.

You: You see correctly.

Me: So the merchandising of people’s insights on Your Truth and Reality is not Plan A.

You: Never has been. But it is a self-perpetuating system. I challenge you to give your book rather than merchandising it. And trust Me for the reward.

me: No ISBN number or whatever it’s called?

You: You could get a couple for other books, David’s and yours, but not these Conversations. How could you sell the conversations, really? Others have and do. But they are not you, and I want you to see that you can be independent from the world system. It is how you will not only survive but do well in the crunch that is coming…you know, the mark of the beast and the drama that will unfold. Functioning outside of that system will drastically change your response to what is coming.

Me: Regarding going through all of my journals to mark and type up out these  conversations, I trust You. I do not find it particularly enjoyable, but I do find it interesting to see Your hand in all of it. And I know I can learn from it. Please keep away unproductive thoughts and feelings, such as wasted years,etc…

You: It is never (rarely) as it seems. This is an exercise in obedience that will produce more fruit than you could possibly imagine. Just do it. I will lead you regarding what parts to use and what not to. The journals really are an honest look at Me at work in the life of a woman who desires to put Me first, but does not always do it…that would be every believing woman on the planet, just so you know. You would be surprised to learn just how many people could and will relate to your journey…and to the evidence that I love to meet people exactly where they are.

On the Topic of Agreement – excerpt from an ongoing conversation of August 13, 2015

You said: Resistance to My Spirit creates the friction which gives Deception a toe-hold. Likewise, resistance to Deception, by remaining in agreement with Me, opens the way to give My Spirit freedom to move in a greater way.

It is usually the hermits, mystics and contemplatives who are the “Mary-s” of this world. Yet I call all of My people to be so. But you see a world of “Martha-s” in this body that calls itself Mine. This cannot continue for much longer. You see, it is possible to be a productive Mary in this world, but it’s only possible when it is I who does the work, the producing.

So, how to be a productive Mary is what you are faced with. And the answer comes back to your momently worship, your momently loving, with and by Me.

I will lead you. If I lead you, you will not feel:

– overwhelmed
– frustrated
– disorganized
– defeated or “not enough”
– or like your efforts are futile and you’re swimming upstream

You may experience these sensations fleetingly but you are to dismiss them immediately, as your reading today advised. This is capturing every thought that exalts itself above your knowledge of who I AM and My knowledge of all that is.

It is amazing how stubbornly My people fight against resting in My finished Work. Really – how many excuses can they come up with? A very creative lot, My people!

Look: If you truly rest in Me, your life – all aspects of it – will be completely different. And can you guess what it will look like? Correct. It will look like My Life. And isn’t that want all of you desire? Isn’t that your collective hearts’ desire? It is my good pleasure to give you your hearts’ desires. They have already been given. But they are yet to be received. When they are received, you will see: blind eyes opened, bodies healed, and lives transformed.

When you walk by faith and not by sight, you are ordering your steps according to who you know Me to be in you. You are allowing Me to direct each step, moment by moment. It is so very much simpler than you imagine!

Your hand will be healed, as well as all of the pains in your body. And your youth will be renewed. You see, although I have not caused the physical pains, I am using them to drive you into the mode-of-being that you need to be functioning in. I am using all of it. So don’t fear. Just let Me do My work in you.

Temperaments, predispositions, physical weaknesses, etc…all of these things are perfectly changeable by Me, if you will just let Me have them! It is so ironic that My people are happy to give Me their strong, “good” parts but they desperately hold on to their weaknesses as if they are defined by them. You are, in actual fact, defined by what you agree with. So why not agree with Who I AM in you? You have no good reason not to. There is no reason not to. You know too much not to. I say this not to pressure you with guilt, but to lead you with the promise of My glory! How people have misconstrued this is an amazement!

I say: I’m sorry we’ve misconstrued so much. I want to order my steps by Your Light of Truth.

You say: You have it. There is no limitation to it either. You may have as much as you like. This is true with all of My resources as long as you and I are in agreement.

I say: And I see how easily we step out of it. I can see how someone could mistakenly think that You generally or even always speak through…me, for instance, when that is only the case if and when I am in agreement with You. If I take You for granted and assume You are speaking through me at most or all times, including when I am not in agreement with You, then I am deeply in error! In those moments of independence from You, I am not at all trust-able. This is how we screw up, in ministry and life in general. We step away from our total dependence on You. I see that very clearly.

You say: Yet you are not to live in trepidation or fear of not being in agreement with Me. You just have to know Me well enough to hear and do. Shepherd – sheep. My wisdom for and in you is infinitely (and I do mean infinitely) greater than anything of yours, apart from Me.

People have so misunderstood “the surrendered life.” It is the most powerful life possible on this Earth, because it is My Life. It is as if My people fear that I do not want them to be happy and fulfilled and blessed, when the opposite it true! They think that surrendering is a huge sacrifice! This is hilarious! As if…anything you “surrender” could compare with what We have done for you at the Cross. Your little sacrifices of this and that matter nothing to Me.

I say:  That sounds harsh.

You say: That’s the problem! It gets perverted, skewed, in mid-air, to “sound harsh.” It is the most loving thing possible. When I say your sacrifices are of no consequence, what I mean is that it is your heart that matters and that is all that matters to Me…that your heart and Mine are one. Agreement is ultimately better than sacrifice.

If you sacrifice a desire for the (correctly or incorrectly) perceived greater good, that does not earn you more Light or blessing or favour with Me. You see, what opens up the aperture is the harmony, the agreement that is experienced in our Love together. When this happens, your surrender or submission is no longer perceived as such. It becomes your joy! 

This is what My people don’t get. And how I wish they did. Paul tried to explain it, but he struggled with the words over and over again… because this can only be understood by the revelation of experience with Me and My Holy Spirit.

Listen: Nothing is worth sacrificing the sweetness of holy intimacy with Me. That is the sacrifice that Adam made. He gave it away! This sacrifice made it necessary for My Son to experience a momentary absence of Our intimacy, in the sins of Adam, in order to re-open the Way for people to choose this original relationship with Me. When people, My people, put this regained intimacy “on hold” while they “do life,” it is the enemy’s victory – to get them to sacrifice Me for a Martha type busy-ness that will never fulfill them.

Don’t ever sacrifice our sweet time together (always time) for doing life the world’s way. Please let Me stay with you and you stay with Me in every single thing you do. Not fanatically, but I will establish a flow to it. You’ll see. Like a melody we will do our days together. No more huff and puff.

I say: You know, Lord, I am very grateful for the idea of this and I know it has to truly transition from idea to reality in my life. I do not want ever to take the reigns back and run the show on my own. Yet You see it happen and so do I. “I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do what I do want to do, Oh, wretched man am I! etc…” – Paul the apostle

I realize that it is the inherited human condition. I get the idea and I get Your plan to re-do our ways of being. I need help doing it – lots of it! I don’t want to do it half-way. I want to be whole-hearted. I want to be trustable with the treasure of You. I do not wish to take You for granted.

You: I know. That’s why we’re having this conversation.

me: Please help me, supernaturally, to stay on course. I can’t do it otherwise.

You: Nobody can! That’s the whole point, Silly! What a ridiculous expectation to think you could! You always revert back to the you-doing-it place. It is not you...It is I, in you, who does this. The way it happens is by you coming into agreement with Me. This is why I suggested that you think of obedience as agreement rather than obedience. Obedience paints a picture of master and servant. Agreement paints a picture of power, strength, acceptance, willingness, at-one-ness. Synergy. This is what I’m after.

The self-worth yo-yo is completely irrelevant when we are in agreement. It doesn’t even have a place in the picture! My people are still so horribly consumed by the self-worth
drama which leaves Me completely out of the picture! This should not be. And it doesn’t have to be.

You are becoming who I created you to be. You manifest this when you are in agreement with Me. This is true of everyone. I do not have special people whom I love more than others. It is true, however, that as you live life more and more in agreement with Me, you will experience more and more favour, and you will be more and more able to see the blessings that surround you to use them for My glory.

This may look to others as if you are special or as if you are more loved by Me. Not so! It is just the principles of My kingdom at work. My kingdom is functioning on the Earth whenever you allow Me to be your loving king, by simply cooperating with Me.

It’s that simple. People complicate it terribly. Simplify it for them please. Show them how do-able a life in agreement with Me can be. I know you perceive this “showing them” as a big deal. It isn’t – It’s what you were made for. You have it all (Me all) in you. We will do this. But first you must see it for yourself – in operation. And this comes through the momently walk. In the momently walk, the supernatural becomes natural, as I live My life through you. Natural life doesn’t live in fits and spurts. It lives  continuously, moment by moment, until the heart stops beating. My Life is the same, only it never ends. If My Life is continuous, continual and ever flowing, why should you limit yourself to partaking of it sparingly, here and there? Now and then? In portions of the day? As applied to only certain aspects of your living? That’s silly, isn’t it really? Does it make any sense to do that?

me: No. No sense at all, Lord.

You: So come to My senses and let us live life together, as one, please. Do not say, “I will try.” You may choose to allow the excitement you experience in these intimate conversations with Me to over-ride any arguments or rationalizations that come along. (And there will be plenty.) Remind yourself that this is the Big Thing and nothing comes close to it in Bigness. Nothing in your life comes close in size, significance or anything else that you or the deceiver can come up with to compete with it. There is no competing with Me and My great Love.

me:  Right, I guess praying in the Spirit continually is necessary.

You: Of course. And you already do that except when your emotions and defenses interrupt.

me: Right. Can’t let that happen.

You: Right. I’ll be your defense. My Love will be your emotion.

        (Later that night, after expressing my concern that I may have mis-heard something God had told me regarding a particular person and situation:)

You: Listen to you …doubting already. You know that things are rarely as they seem, and I’ve told you this several times before. When this happens, nothing changes the Truth. Just continue to trust Me. Our conversations are not manufactured by you…just so you know for sure. The deceiver’s doing the deceiving job. Don’t worry…you are still a good hearer. But these tests to make you doubt our relationship are inevitable. And they generally come not through strangers but through people you care about. Not that they are against Me – It’s just the form the tests take. The form. The form. Never trust the form, but you can always trust Me in every circumstance. You know this Voice of Mine. You know that you know It. So don’t question what I say – even if it seems not to pan out, even if it seems it couldn’t have been from Me…based on events that may happen. Know that it is from Me. You questioned this today.

Me: Yes, because I want to be sure that I’m not adding things here or there to what You say. Perhaps I am too free to share it.

You: Perhaps. Or perhaps you’re afraid of being perceived as a false prophet!

Me: Hmmm…


Doing God’s will in making decisions

 from Thursday, July 9, 2015

I say: What is Your will, Lord, so I can do it?

You say: It is not for you to accomplish some great thing, some work. It is for you (My people) to experience Me and all of Who I Am…Really saturate yourself with Who I Am. Experience MY Love, My wisdom, My mercy, My power, My grace, My kindness, My Life.

That is what I will for you. You hear that little rooster up there – barely trying out his new man voice…giving it a crow here and there, managing to croak out a little something? That’s how My people are…just barely eking out, managing to squeeze out a little of My Life into their lives. And it shouldn’t be that way. It doesn’t have to be that way. That’s not the plan. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. My presence has not been allowed to fill the heart. It gets pushed out by the cares of the world.

July 16, 2015

I pray: Lord, please help us all to hear Your heart and Your discernment. I love You, Lord. You are All in All, no matter what! Help us to see and respond correctly, (pleasingly to You,) to the matters that You know are important and to not react to the ones that aren’t. Only You know. And I love You and I love and appreciate that You want us to know and that You are so accessible to us! You give Yourself completely to us. Thank You Lord, for this giving that You do. I love You and I long to be closer to you in my soul and in my physical self. I know we are one in Spirit because You have made my spirit alive with Your very Life. I would have no living Spirit within me, without You. Lord, bring a depth to the music You give us and the writing we do, and the art we do, as well as the art of living, in general. A joyous depth that shines out to others with Your sweet and powerful Life – Your Love.

I know this is Your mission for us, Your children. Lord, bar the way that is not Your way. Light the paths of thinking that agree with you. I love You. I am not often really understood, Lord, but I don’t have to be. You will make the important things understood by Your Spirit. Help me to understand! Help me to love.

The image in that story of the Confederate soldier who crossed the line to give water to the crying, wounded Union soldiers, and the cease-fire that resulted for long enough to let him carry out his loving task….the motherly care he provided out of the depths of his compassion, inspires me to be more caring, more truly loving. As Your love supercedes and becomes mine, open the ways for me to care for others. I realize that in praying this I am accepting Your challenge. I realize that in new ways I release control to You. But…I see no way around it if I am to continue to grow in You. I love You, and I want to grow in You, because I am greedy for You.

I think:  “DO you love Me? Then feed My sheep.” Yes, I do,so show me Your ways to feed Your sheep, O Gentle Shepherd of mine. Show me Your feeding…ways, I guess, for absence of of a better word. I know it happens via being sensitive to Your leading by Your Spirit. Relieve me of “learned missionary consciousness” and help me to give freely, knowing that You are the provider of all.

I know You are doing this work in us. You give freely as we give freely. As we give out, You replenish. Thank You for Your supply.

(Regarding a purchase issue:)

I do not know, but You do know. Help us to be wise with Your tree of Life wisdom – not the wisdom from the other tree.

You say: Once again, it’s very rarely as you think it is. Sometimes you see a bit of it, but you never can quite see all, and this is for a reason: Chiefly, My mercy keeps it from you, lest you be overwhelmed.
I say: Sounds protective.

You say: Well, yes and no. It’s also a practical thing as it keeps you listening for more, searching Me for more. Keeps you hungry. So it is a real help.

I say: Okay, I get that, but in something as simple as a purchase? I’m sure you can just give us a yes or a no.

You say: Sure I can.

I say: So?

You say: Listen, listen. Take more time to really listen to Me and disregard, in matters like this, your practical thinking. If you want to do practical thinking then decide on that basis. If you want what I know, then you need to listen.

When you use your practical mind, you think, “Okay, this and this and this – these are the good/positive points in this matter. And that and that and that – They are the bad/negative ones. You map it out according to the wrong tree (knowledge of good and evil.)

When you use My divine mind, which you may use at any time, I will show you…because I know, because I see the end from the beginning of all matters and “issues.”

I say: I assume that if You are leading us in this, that the money is not an obstacle?

You say: Well, it tends to be an obstacle as far as your faith is concerned, doesn’t it?

I say: Seems to be.

(Update: The Lord did tell us what to do, and we did it. The seller agreed to the amount the Lord told us to offer and the purchase was made. And it has proven to be a good decision.)


excerpt from July 7, 2015


I see myself in the past, and even these days, still slipping into huffing and puffing and “trying to do it all.” What a silly picture I see!


Silly and sad too, because My people are so resistant to simply resting in Me. “The work of the Lord,” is simply resting in Me with full confidence and trust that I will both lead and do what is best…because only I know what is best.


Yes, only You know, and yet we grapple with knowing when all we have to do is listen to Your heart!


“Grapple with knowing” is a good way to put it. There is a striving that needn’t be. It steals the peace that has already been provided and puts it in the background or the foreground off in the distance, as something to be attained. You do not need to achieve My peace or anything else! It has all been attained and provided for you. All you need do, if you choose to, is to walk in it – abide with Me. Abide in My presence, being watered by My Word and My Spirit. The fruit is inevitable! And nobody can argue with lovely, juicy, ripe fruit. It simply is, and it is for the taking. And as people partake of it, they become transformed by its nourishment – revived, made more alive. It is always this way with Me. Always.

If there is a sense of being less alive, it comes from an opposing something that fights against My Good Truth and Love. It is easy to recognize and to nip in the bud: When there is not peace ruling and leading, find what is ruling and leading and put it out. Then hop back on the “peace train,” to quote an old favorite song of yours. You have ME – all of who I AM – in your spirit. This includes My peace, love, wisdom, perfect divine life and health, kindness, patience, understanding – everything I AM in in you. And you can yield to all of it, some of it, or none of it. None, some, or all.


I’m thinking of the parable that speaks of 30, 60 or 100 fold return…How do people function on the planet, yielding to ALL of it?!?


Only One person has ever done that. But it is possible, as He said, through Him, to do. My people just don’t believe it, really.

There are physical laws/parameters that, while you are in this cosmos, you need to work within. However, if My will being done requires over-riding these laws, My Spirit easily over-rides them. That’s how it works. It is My will – related.


But isn’t healing always Your will? So why are we not always healed: an over-riding of physical laws/constraints?


Sin, sickness and disease are all equally related to the fall and all equally annihilated by the Life, death and resurrection of My Son. It has been done. Man fell. World system was hijacked by air prince who deceives. Individuals are redeemed by Son’s sacrifice for them at their acceptance of Our love. Ideally, at the moment of new birth, all would be transformed. But you know the soul and the body are not as easily inhabited as the spirit of a man. They have their set ways that were formed in fallen-ness.

As you know, as you press into Me, they become less and less fallen or set in their deceived fallen-ness. They become transformed. You will prosper as your soul prospers. Your soul will prosper as it is transformed by My Spirit. It is inevitable, whether it happens on this plane or the next, now or later. But I know you want to see it happen here and now. You fight and resist it also though. You know you do. The only way not to resist Me is to actively take captive every single thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Me and to submit to My higher, supernatural Life in all you do. Simple!


Well, you make it sound that way! And I see that we’re the ones who complicate it. That’s certainly very easy to see. And…we’ve got a lot of “help” in the complication department.


Yes, but not nearly as much Help as you have in the transformation department!


So true! Seeing You’re omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and “all!”


Right, so it is very thick of people to bog down in the whole thing, when all they really need do is fly!


Thick, indeed…one of Mom’s favorite words. How is she?


Joyous! You reason that anyone 100% in My presence will be joyous. But picture her: Dancing, singing, painting, forming beauty with her hands, laughing. Now picture this: Picture you doing all that here on Earth – in complete freedom. Picture it! See it. You do all these things but not in complete freedom. Yet you could. You have all of Me here now. Use My Life. How I long for My people to use My Life! It’s as if it weren’t unlimited! People are stingy with Me. This should never be!!! It is a grave error. Turn the tap on all the way. You never need to conserve Me. Ever.

There are times when I will share with you counsel that is only for you. That is not what I mean about conserving Me. Pieces of wisdom fit into place and all have their places. But if you keep the tap open to Me at all times, you will find so many needs being met in and all around you. It is What I Do. It is Who I AM. It is not a matter of coming back to Me for more. It is a matter of My being always here, available on demand, as called upon. You see, this is regarded by the religious as, “radical.” Good! I Am radical. Look it up.

And so I did look it up and discovered the following information from the dictionary:

radical: as adjective:

1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough, complete, total, comprehensive, exhaustive, sweeping, far-reaching, wide-ranging, extensive,across the board, profound, major, stringent, rigorous
2. advocating or based on thorough or complete reform / revolutionary

as noun:

chemistry: a group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds

as adjective:

1. of or relating to or proceeding from a root
2. of or relating to the origin
3. a) very different from usual or ordinary
b) favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions or institutions

origin: Latin: radic-radix / root / foundation

free radical: an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons; especially: one that is produced in the body by natural biological processes or introduced from an outside source that can affect cells, proteins, and DNA by altering their chemical structure


Hmm….lots to consider here! If I read without negative context, “introduced from an outside source (God as invited in) that can “affect” cells, proteins and DNA by altering their (fallen) chemical structure…producing healing!

In the context of the body of Christ, one of us free radicals can affect the whole body by altering its DNA…as You alter ours.


In science, free radicals are “bad rebel” atoms that cause trouble Well, I cause big trouble to a fallen world and fallen humanity, because I radically transform those who have Me in them and I change their fallen-ness to wholeness.

The world prince (temporary) reads this as big trouble (as in, ‘Houston, we have a problem!”) But that’s because the world is operating backwards and upside down from My kingdom. (Think: Screwtape Letters.)

Within you is the transforming power to re-create everything for My glory. Everything in and round you!

Remember, at the beginning of your trip to the States I said to you, “I am in you, therefore everything is supernatural.”


Yes, I well remember it.


I meant it!


You mean everything You say, Lord. You don’t ever not mean it.




Okay! Please help me do it!


I will! I Am!


Lead the way. Please keep me open and hearing You, Lord. I am completely dependent upon You.